Style Files: Pride of Britain Awards

It was an interesting night for fashion, monochromatics and war-paint style maquillage last night at the Pride of Britain awards. For your viewing pleasure, we give you:

Alex Gerrard, grey-smoky eye, lashings of black liner, example of the importance in having three completely different styles of sleeve per arm so not to miss a single trend;

Carly Zucker, grey-smoky eye with intense black liner, updo consisting entirely of Aqua Net and soft brown squirrels;

The Redknapps, of exceptionally shiny shoes; and

Toni Terry with Carly Zucker: brown smoky eye and… sorry, we just can’t get past Carly’s ode to Patsy Stone. We do admire her minimal jewellery and simple but elegant clothing choices though. But, seriously: who hooked up that hair doo for Miss Z? They need to have their (back) comb and blow dryer privileges rescinded.

(c) Kickette


Who is your favorite WAG?


WAGalicious Fernando Torres|F9T| Miss Britney Spears